28 November 2023
The UK SACT Board Annual Conference (formerly known as the UK Chemotherapy Board) will be held in London on Tuesday 28 November 2023. The UK SACT Board (UKSB) provides guidance, oversight and support for the continuing development of SACT services in the UK and is comprised of the six professional bodies with representation from all four nations of the UK and other organisations involved in SACT services and research.
Dr Tom Roques, Chair of the UKSB and Vice President, Clinical Oncology, The Royal College of Radiologists Chair the conference, and the agenda is currently being developed. We will share the agenda with you as soon as it is available.
Due to an unexpected level of non-attendance at the conference in 2022, we are charging a small registration fee of £25.00 including VAT to attend the conference this year. Payment is required online at the time of booking your place. The fee covers access to all sessions, conference material, lunch and coffee breaks.
For more information, go to: www.uksactboard.org