Below are some FAQs, please see if these answer your enquiry. If not please submit a question via the yellow button at the bottom of the page.
Acute Oncology Services MIG
Haemato-oncology MIG
Lead Cancer Nurse MIG
Living With and Beyond Cancer MIG
Radiotherapy MIG
Research MIG
Systemic Anticancer Therapy MIG
Young and Early Career Cancer Nurses MIG
Can I advertise a job to UKONS members?
Yes, UKONS advertise job adverts via Breaking News, as mailshots to UKONS members, and on the UKONS website.
Does UKONS charge for job adverts, and if so how much?
No, but we can only advertise a few adverts at any one time and therefore will be on a first-come-first served basis.
Is there a specific format required for wording of job adverts?
Yes, please obtain the format required for wording job adverts by contacting Note additional information about the post can be included by submitting a file in pdf format or a URL address, which UKONS will link to the advert using an html link.
What are the terms of payment for UKONS job adverts?
Advertising with UKONS is free.
When will the version 4 of the UKONS Acute Oncology Initial Management Guidelines be available?
Version 4 UKONS Acute Oncology Initial Management Guidelines are now available. You can access them through our members page.
Is there a UKONS Acute Oncology Initial Management Guidelines app?
Yes, this was launched in November 2020 and available to download for free to iPhone or Android via all app stores. Please note this is currently version 3, the app is currently being updated to version 4. UKONS will inform members when version 4 is available on the app, we are aiming for Autumn 2023.
What education packages are available for AOS teams?
The UKONS Acute Oncology Knowledge and Skills programme is available under the resources section of the AOS MIG page. This is a competency framework for AOS staff from novice to expert.
Is there any e-learning for Acute Oncology?
Macmillan provide an e-learning programme on AOS available at this link Resources - LearnZone
Guys Cancer Academy UK have launced an online learning module for staff who care for people with cancer and are required to achieve the following Level 2 Acute Oncology Learning Outcomes:
• Understand local Acute Oncology Services and how and when to contact these services
• Recognise patients presenting with an acute oncology indication
• Initiate the management of urgent / emergency treatment
• Be able to refer patients to the local Acute Oncology Service appropriately
• Ensure patients with an acute oncology indication have appropriate ongoing management.
Please follow the link to access the module
How do I access training for the UKONS 24 Hour triage tool?
UKONS no longer deliver face to face triage training days. UKONS with the support of HEE have developed 4 free e-learning modules in telephone triage. These are accessible to all via the elfh website.
There is also a set of training slides on this MIG section for trainers to access and use for additional support. All advice line practitioners should successfully complete the e-learning modules, scenario practice, observed clinical practice and complete the competency assessment and agreeement.
How can I get more involved in the Acute Oncology MIG?
If you would like to take a more active role in the MIG and join our committee please contact us via the contact form.
How can I find out about the Acute Oncology Passports?
Please contact who is the project lead and can provide more information and timelines.
How do I order the 24 Hour Triage tool materials?
You can order the 24 Hour Triage tool manuals, log sheets, pocket tools and/or posters from Telford Reprographics. Please email and ask for a price list and ordering instructions. UKONS is not involved with ordering or printing of the tool.
FAQs? in progress..
Can I advertise through UKONS to recruit participants to my (audit/service evaluation/survey/research) study?
Please complete the UKONS Request to Review a Project Form and return to Research MIG via You will be advised if UKONS are able to support your request on receipt of the completed form.
Can the UKONS Research MIG comment on my research study prior to submission to an ethics committee?
Please complete the UKONS Request to Review a Project Form and return to Research MIG via
You will be advised if UKONS are able to support your request on receipt of the completed form
Can I use UKONS copyrighted documents in my research study?
Please contact the Research MIG via to find out about permissions to use UKONS copyrighted documents.
How do I find out about research funding, scholarships for nurses or PhD opportunities?
Please view information in the UKONS Research MIG Recommended Resources section of the website.
Can UKONS help support a regional or national cancer nurse research educational event I am organising?
UKONS will support, where possible, regional or national events that increase the knowledge, skills and expertise of cancer nurses in the UK. To make requests about support for specific educational events, please contact
Is a UKONS Board member available to speak at an research conference or event?
I am the lead chemotherapy nurse for my organisation and/or I assess staff undertaking the UKONS SACT passport training and I would like access to the passport answer guide, how do I go about this?
The UKONS SACT passport answer guide is now accessible electronically. To request access please complete the ‘UKONS Declaration for access to the electronic SACT answer guide’ form found on the SACT MIG webpage.
I do not have adequate access to a computer in my role to use the electronic version of the UKONS SACT passport answer guide, is it possible to have a paper copy sent to me instead?
A request for a UKONS SACT passport answer guide can be made by contacting Please state your name, role and area of work and provide a forwarding address.
What is UKONS position on the use of Closed system drug transfer devices in addition to safe handling of hazardous drugs versus safe handling alone for reducing healthcare staff exposure to infusional hazardous drugs?
UKONS position statement:
In 2016 at their annual conference UKONS were requested by our members to provide some guidance on the effectiveness of closed-system drug transfer devices (CSTD) in addition to safe handling of hazardous drugs versus safe handling alone for reducing healthcare staff exposure to infusional hazardous drugs.
In response to this request UKONS commissioned a Cochrane systematic review to provide us with independent high quality, robust research to provide sufficient and unambiguous information on the potential benefits and costs of CSTD to inform a position statement which we are delighted to announce has now been published.
To read the full position statement, please click HERE.
Do UKONS have any suggested guidance/advice around patients reporting side effects from their Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy?
National Chemotherapy Board (NCB) GOOD PRACTICE GUIDELINE: Promoting Early Identification of Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapies Side Effects: – Two Approaches.
This guidance has been produced by the National Chemotherapy Board in response to concerns that patients often delay reporting serious Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT) side effects to dedicated help lines. Two complementary approaches to improve side effect reporting are suggested:
1. Empowerment focuses on equipping patients to take responsibility for identifying and reporting important side effects and may be mediated via technology.
2. Proactive monitoring includes clinician interventions (e.g. telephone support or home visits).
3. The NCB Good Practice Guidelines are available HERE