EONS is launching a call for nominations for 1 EONS Board member

We are specifically aiming at an EONS Board position for a Young Cancer nurse (under 35 at the time of the nomination).

EONS full members (EONS individual members and members of an EONS National Oncology Nursing Society) are herewith cordially invited to provide nominations for this role.

Please find HERE the outline of the election process, the nomination form and the role description.  

The completed nomination form should be emailed to the Secretariat at: eons.secretariat@cancernurse.eu  

The deadline for the receipt of fully completed, signed nomination forms is Thursday 22 April 2021, 12.00 CET, noon

Please note that the relevant membership fees should be paid in order for the nomination to be accepted. 

EONS Board members are on hand to answer any questions you may have about being on the EONS Board. The elected member will also be paired with a mentor in the EONS Board for the first year or few months depending on need, to help you settle in and understand how EONS works. Please contact Rudi Briké at  eons.secretariat@cancernurse.eu  with a request for this support and he will link a board member with you. 

The nomination form and role description  is also available on the EONS website https://cancernurse.eu/about-eons/governance/executive-board/eons-board-elections-call-for-nominations-young-cancer-nurse/  for download.

The final list of nominees will be forwarded to the membership via email and the EONS website on Monday 26 April 2021 and the call for voting will then be open.

Deadline for voting will be Friday 14 May at 12.00 noon CET and the election result will be announced by email to the membership on Monday 17 May 2021

The election result will be confirmed during an extraordinary online General meeting in June, date to be confirmed.