Acute Oncology Initial Management Guidelines - latest version

20 July 2023

UKONS are proud to present the newly updated version 4 of our Acute Oncology Initial Management Guidelines. These guidelines have been reviewed by a multi-disciplinary team, with representation from all four nations and multiple organisations including, UKAOS, UKSB, BOPA, SoR and SAM. Thank you to everyone that provided feedback and contributed to this thorough review. We hope that they will continue to be utilised well within clinical practice and support staff to safely manage patients that require acute cancer care.    

These guidelines relate to the initial assessment and immediate management of Acute Oncology patients, that is, patients presenting with an acute problem, demonstrating symptoms deemed as having been caused by:

  • Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT)
  • Radiotherapy
  • Malignant disease
  • A previously undiagnosed cancer where an urgent oncology/haematology assessment is required.

It is emphasised that these guidelines focus on initial assessment at presentation and management for the first 24 hours.

Version 4 of our acute oncology initial management guidelines are now live and free to access to all UKONS members on the UKONS Website here via the Acute Oncology Members Interest Group (MIG) resource page.