Friday 14th March 2025 is #NationalCancerCNSDay!

28 January 2025

Friday 14th March is #NationalCancerCNSDay

This year's theme is 'The Modern CNS'.  This is a current trend on social media that shows a then and now connection and allows us to demonstrate the story of the evolution of the CNS role. This theme encourages the sharing of CNS experiences across the country and is perfect to support the two thunderclap moments.  

First thunderclap moment - 9:00am

We want as many social media channels as possible to be awash with pictures of nurses at the various stages of their career to launch the ‘how it started’ content. It’s your story to tell, so feel free to get creative and remember to use the #NationalCancerCNSDay

Second thunderclap moment - 13:00pm

We want as many social media channels as possible to be awash with pictures of nurses at the various stages of their career to launch the ‘how it is going’ content.

You can always create the same content in video form if you like – just remember to keep it short and snappy and post what you said in the video with the #NationalCancerCNSDay.


This is a day to celebrate and highlight the contribution of the specialist cancer nursing workforce. Start planning in your teams and health care settings about how you will celebrate this day, helping to inspire and attract our future colleagues.

Use #NationalCancerCNSDay on social media platforms to share and promote our incredible workforce.