For further resources please login or become a member
Resource Name | Resource Description |
UKONS Position Statement on level of qualification to administer SACT |
The UKONS Board have been asked by its members for guidance about NMC registered nursing associates who are employed as band 4 staff giving SACT drugs. We have consulted with members of the UKONS SACT MIG Committee, the UKONS Lead Cancer Nurse forum and external organisations to draft this Position Statement. |
UKONS Strategy and Partnership Brochure |
As a non-profit charity, we know and appreciate the value of working with our corporate partners. To ensure we continue to achieve our aims and increase support for our work we need to grow and develop our Corporate Partnerships across the whole range of cancer care. |
UKONS Member Applicant Form |
UKONS Member Applicant Form for Takeda-Maudsley Learning Psychosocial Oncology Programme |
UKONS Conference 2022 |
Completed Abstracts presented at the UKONS Annual Conference, 11-12 November 2022, |
UKONS2023 Abstract submission guidelines |
Independent Sector Cancer Network New Cancer Service Guidelines |
New Cancer Service Guidelines for Independent Sector Cancer Care 2024 |
Resource Name | Resource Description |
Oncology/Haemato-oncology 24-Hour Triage toolkit |
INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTION MANUAL The UKONS triage toolkit has been developed for use by all members of staff managing calls to the 24 triage lines for patients who: • Have received or are receiving systemic anti-cancer therapy • Have received any other type of anti-cancer treatment, including radiotherapy and bone marrow graft N.B. Teenage and young adults are included in this pathway |
Oncology/Haemato-oncology Triage Line poster |
Triage assessment tool, Version 3 |
Sexual Health and Well-Being in Cancer
Topic | Professional Resources | Patient Resources | Other Resources |
LGBTQ+ Health & Cancer Care
RCGP LGBT Health Hub – General education including a module on screening Royal College of Radiologists - Webinar: Oncological considerations for the LGBTQ+ patient
Trekstock - Lifting the Lid on Cancer in the LGBTQ+ Community - Shine – Queer With Cancer |
LGBTQ+ Cancer Experience & Support Groups
Live Through This - An Introduction to the Experiences of Sexual and Gender Minorities affected by Cancer Macmillan - No-one overlooked: Experiences of LGBT people affected by cancer Live Through This - Cancer & COVID in Our Community
Live Through This - LGBTQ+ people living with and beyond cancer LGBT Walnut - LGBT people living with and beyond prostate cancer Out with Prostate Cancer - LGBTQ+ with prostate cancer
Screening | Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust - Cervical screening for trans men and/or non-binary people (Professionals Advice)
Cancer Research UK – Screening advice for trans and non-binary people Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust - Cervical screening for trans men and/or non-binary people (Patient Advice) 56 Dean Street – Cervical Screening for trans and non-binary people Public Health England - NHS population screening: information for trans and non-binary people LGBT People & Screening Video
Treatment-related advice | Prostate Cancer UK - Exploring the needs of gay and bisexual men dealing with prostate cancer
Prostate Cancer UK - Information for gay and bisexual men
Sex and intimacy | Shining A Light on LGBTQ+ Sex And Cancer - |
End-of-life care | The National Council for Palliative Care - Understanding the end of life care needs for older LGBT people, A guide for health and social care professionals and carers: Marie Curie – “Hiding who I am” The reality of end of life care for LGBT people
Marie Curie - LGBTQ+ booklet: Getting care and planning for the future
LGBT Foundation | LGBTQ+ community - Resources on a range of topics including general support: |
Tranzwiki | Gender diverse community and their loves ones - Directory of resources including gender-specific counselling: |
Consortium | LGBTQ+ Community Support - Online directory of LGBT support groups, charities and community interest companies:
Gender Kit | Trans and Gender Diverse - Information hub:
cliniQ | Trans community in London - Sexual health and wellbeing:
Opening Doors | LGBTQ+ Older People - Charity offering support groups, befriending and telefriending:
Spectra | LGBTQ+ Community in London - Support including specialist counselling for trans people:
AOS Passport Resources
Resource Name | Resource Description |
The information contained within the documents below comes from nationwide consultation. These resources should be used in conjunction with relevant local policies / procedures / guidelines and should be approved for use according to each organisation’s clinical governance process. Care has been taken in the preparation of the information contained within the documents. The authors make no representation or guarantee of any kind whatsoever regarding the content or its use or application and disclaim any responsibility for its use or application in any way. |
Copyright for these documents is owned by UKONS. Please contact the AOS Members Interest Group if you have any queries about this suite of resources: |
Level 1 Acute Oncology Competence Passport (Core) | The Level 1 (Core) AO Competence Assessment Passport has been developed in collaboration with Macmillan Cancer Support. This digital resource doesn’t require an assessor in practice so learners in all areas can achieve their Level 1 Competence Passport. Course information can be found here and can be accessed after creating a free Macmillan Learning Hub account. |
Acute Oncology Competence Assessment Passports at Practice Levels 2 - 4 (Intermediate, Advanced and Expert) | Interactive pdf copies are freely available to download via the UKONS portal here. Printed copies can be purchased individually or via PO for institutions from Ruddocks printers via the portal. Email for enquiries. |
UKONS Acute Oncology Knowledge and Skills Framework with Competence Passport User Guide | Following work led by Philippa Jones this has been updated as part of the Acute Oncology Passport Project. This second version includes updates to the multidisciplinary framework for 2024 and incorporates the user guide information for the AO Passports. It should be used in practice and can be found here. The first version of the Acute Oncology Knowledge and Skills Guidance document published in 2018 can be found here for reference. |
Acute Oncology Competency Passport – Reflective case study template | Learners completing the AO Passport at Levels 3 or 4 may wish to use this template for additional case study reflections when re-accrediting their Passport or for other CPD reflections. This template is an additional copy of the blank case study found within the Level 3 Passport. |
AO Passport Level 2 Re-accreditation Certificate | Additional copies of the reaccreditation certificates for Level 2 learners (recommended to complete three yearly). |
AO Passport Level 3 Re-accreditation Certificate | Additional copies of the reaccreditation certificates for Level 3 learners (recommended to complete annually). |
AO Passport Level 4 Re-accreditation Certificate | Additional copies of the reaccreditation certificates for Level 4 learners (recommended to complete annually). |
Acute Oncology Competence Assessment Passport Assessor Online Learning Course | An online training module for staff to complete to become AO Passport assessors. The course is free to access and has been hosted on the Greater Manchester cancer Academy, this learning has been accredited for two CPD points by CPD UK. |
Mapping the Acute Oncology Competence Assessment Passports to the ACCEND Capability Framework | This document shows how the acute oncology passports across four levels of practice map to the domains and capabilities within the ACCEND framework. |
AO Passport Linktree for additional links and resources | This Linktree contains a variety of useful links and learning resources for the AO Passports, it can be accessed via the QR code within the Passport documents or via the following link: @AcuteOncologyPassports | Linktree |
The UK Oncology Nursing Society
Registered Address: First Floor, 10 Queen Street Place, London EC4R 1BE
Charity Commission Number: 1136972
Companies House Registration Number: 6996552
VAT Registration Number: 290 7685 64
UKONS does not own all the documents on our website and shares them for member interest. We are not responsible for the use or recommendations of these documents, and members should use them at their discretion. UKONS cannot accept liability for errors, omissions, or consequences from applying the information and makes no warranties regarding the content. Documents are for healthcare professionals only; seek professional advice before acting on any content from our site or downloaded documents.
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