Inspiring cancer nursing
UKONS is committed to creating a network of likeminded nurses to share good practice, queries and provide a supportive space that advocates for our profession.
There are number ways to get involved and be part of what we do:
Individual Membership
UKONS Champions
UKONS Corporate Partnerships
Individual membership

Be part of our forward-thinking, dynamic cancer nursing society!
Joining UKONS is FREE. You must be:
- Registered to practice as a nurse in the UK
- Working with people affected by cancer
Benefits of joining UKONS:
- Access to a large UK network of nurses working in cancer care, cancer organisations and cancer institutions
- Access to specialist Members Interest Groups (MIGs)
- Access to members only section of UKONS website
- Automatic subscription to our ‘Breaking News’ mailout
- Reduced rates at the UKONS Annual Conference
- Access to educational events through the year
- Receipt of complimentary issue of British Journal of Nursing Oncology Supplement three times a year
- Access to a range of UKONS position statements e.g. Closed-system drug-transfer devices in addition to safe handling of hazardous drugs versus safe handling alone for reducing healthcare staff exposure to infusional hazardous drugs
- Access to an expert cancer nurses in the ‘Ask a Question’ facility
- Information on Cancer Nursing courses throughout the UK
- Links to international organisations e.g. European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS), International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC), Oncology Nursing Society (ONS)
- Opportunity to contribute to UK wide policy and developments
- Receipt of complementary or discounted journals
To become a member click here or email
Please note that all individual UKONS memberships will be valid until 31st March 2024.